Trevor Salla's Unity Portfolio

A 2D platformer game where you need to defeat animated skeletons and the occasional giant bat.
No Bones
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No Bones

This is a 2D platformer game (still under development) designed as an example of my 2D work.

Clear the land of evil animated skeletons (and the occasional giant bat)... and try to survive the experience!

Run, jump, swing a sword, fire a bow, climb ladders, and drink healing potions.

This game currently requires a computer and a keyboard and/or gamepad.

Note that I did not design the art assets themselves, but rather purchased them from the Unity Asset Store.

A 3-D triangle of stacked cubes floating in space, each face of each cube a different color, different cubes oriented differently.  An alien in a purple spacesuit jumps from cube to cube, spinning them 90 degrees in the process.
(select to play online)


A Mash-Up Puzzle Game

Cube-Brick is a puzzle game taking inspiration from classics like Q*bert, the Rubik's Cube, and a hint of Among Us. Use your choice of input (keyboard, mouse, touch screen, or gamepad) to move around and orient the cubes as shown. Don't fear the edge... Embrace it for a different perspective!



A Gameboard version has been published and is now available!

Cube-Brick on the Gameboard
(demo video)
  • 0:00 Intro to Gameboard
  • 0:45 Cube-Brick preview screen
  • 1:38 Settings screen and choosing players
  • 4:11 Instructions & credits page
  • 5:01 1-player game demo, gameplay described
  • 7:42 Menu options
  • 8:53 2-player game full playthrough (w/ dice faces)
  • 16:00 Victory!

An oversized toy-like construction worker leaps an oil drum in from of a city street backdrop, reaching for a hovering balloon.
The Bigger They Are
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The Bigger They Are

This began as the prototype project from Week 3 of Unity Learn's "Create With Code Live 2021" course, but was modified with bonus features... including balloons that make you grow bigger!... and Bigger!

Beware. Though fun, this makes it harder to avoid obstacles. (And your shins are vulnerable!)

You can (and will likely need to) jump even while in the air, but only once before you land.

A game where the exhilaration and challenge grow as you do!

A 3-D breakout-style game with two planes of bricks at right angles, a paddle for each, and a ball that bounces between them.
Break Corner
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Break Corner

A 3D Breakout-style game with two paddles, two walls of bricks, one ball that bounces between them around a corner, and a few "sliding bricks" (once there is room for them to slide). Initially starts with one row of bricks, with more rows added as you clear the board. Keeps a high score too.

Started with the 2D Mission 3 break-out project from the Jr. Programmer Pathway course from Unity Learn, but kept adding and changing until it became something quite different. Enjoy!

Latest version updated to use Input System: key controls changed, UI updated for touchscreens, can now play with a 2-stick gamepad (like an XBox controller).